- Time spent and estimated
- Burndown chart
- Last release: v1.3 2014-02-16
- No website, no source
- No screenshot
- Based on Scrum for Trello
- Last release: 1.87, 2014-06-11
- Links to developers provided
- Not really suitable for project management
- Last release: 2013-01-02
- Wrong github link provided
- Looks inactive
- Points are not always calculated
- See Points for Trello - Combined edition for a more stable implementation
As an addition
- Uses only the six colors available for labels
- When a card has more labels, the rightmost color is picked
- Use it as an addition to a project management extension
- You can add WIP limits to lists
- The list becomes red when you exceed the set limit
- Open source:
- Display a progress bar using cards or points from Scrum for Trello or checklist items
- Open source:
- Graph visualization
- Click on cards to add or remove dependency between them
- A card can be tagged with multiple project names
- You cannot view cards for a tag
- Based on Scrum for Trello
- Open source:
- Summarize points
- Different display of cards without points
- Highlight cards with label color (they call it separator cards)
- Sort cards by title, votes, due date, labels
- Save cards in sorted order or revert to original order
- Developer’s email provided
- No source
Maybe (in descending order of how sophisticated it is)
- Add points to card title, sum of points are displayed for each list, grandtotal for the whole board
- Three types of points, depending on the parenthesis used
- Based on Scrum for Trello and Points for Trello
- Open source:
- Source:
- Summarize points for a list and for the whole board
- Two types of points, depending on the parenthesis used
- When cards are filtered, only the points on filtered cards are summed
The selected combination